Jiří Markalous

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Norská 35
460 01 Liberec, Česko
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Jiří Markalous Company Information

Hlavní informace

The purpose of this application is to focus on alternate picking in guitaring to make your individual performance faster and more precise. After the completion of the course, you will be able to play minimum 50% faster, than you are able now. We will provide you with the skills and knowledge to be able to do so. Your techniques will be improved and that is our commitment to you to assist you in your endeavours. All of the exercises are mostly in C major scale. The first part is in thirds, second part in sixths and the third part in tenths. Every exercise is in different rhythms. It is important to follow the sequence of the course. The application has been built logically and verified. Every exercise will be built on two strokes being downstroke followed by upstroke. It is important to note that when exercising, disruption is not commendable. In case you encountered some difficulties, keep on repeating the particular exercise, be patient and remind yourself to slow down.
You can play a day lesson more times. It is entirely up to you. You can trust us!

Norská 35 Liberec

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Jiří Markalous Recenze

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